- Details
- Category: About us
- Published on Wednesday, 23 May 2012 15:18
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 16831
Our experience and insight in the world around us, not only Croatia, but globally as well teaches us that existing knowledge and experience
is not sufficiently leveraged in everydays work and life, while potentials of scientific approach and technology application are not improving the life of individuals and society to the extent citizens would hope for. We wish to change this and are determined to influence the change.
Our mission is to become and remain the centre of excellence for our areas of activity. By centre of excellence we understand a place in which users seek information and advice elaboration and education, solution design and quality verification for a specific area.
We wish to be “those-who-know” and “those-who-can-help”. Our mission is “production” of experts, as well. We would like them to be the “world-top-class” experts. We believe, this can be achieved only through the combination of superb education, finest professional culture, life-long inspiration and passion. And we strive to provide such environment. In addition, they also need opportunities to work on practical, real-life problems as part of their academic curricula.
- Details
- Category: About us
- Published on Wednesday, 23 May 2012 15:17
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 15987
LSS designs and establishes the third generation of computer-communication backbone of FER, based on gigabit Ethernet technology, named GRBA
LSS «breaks» the barrier of 30 employees and 3 million kunas turnover
LSS experts work as consultants for One, a GSM operator in Austria, testing telecommunication equipment and systems for GPRS introduction
LSS designs and supervises installation of the first teleconferencing facility in Croatia (at FER, University of Zagreb)
Prof. Hrvoje Babić for the first time in Croatia remotely teaches students in Osijek via videoconferencing
The first videoconferencing in Croatia
LSS performed defence and countermeasures against the first large scale Internet hacker attack in Croatia involving more than 20 intruders
LSS assists in establishment of CARNet agency. LSS active member and co designer of CARNet ATM network becomes the first CARNet CEO
LSS designs the first broadband communication backbone for CARNet based on ATM technology. This is the first project and infrastructure of this type in Croatia and one of two in Europe /the other one was UKERNA’s).
Prof. Branko Jeren is appointed Minister of Science and Technology of Republic of Croatia.
LSS actively helps in the war by designing equipment and systems for Croatian Army for communication, logistics and tactical systems.
Predrag Pale initiates introduction of Internet to Croatia by starting the project of CARNet – Croatian Academic and Research Network
LSS designs the first LAN for FER, University of Zagreb
The group is officially named “Laboratory for Systems and Signals”
LSS contracts first project for customer outside Croatia: “dBase compatible compiler for UNIX systems in cooperation with Austrian company ComCon GesmBH
Believing that only by experiencing practical assignments and tasks on industrial projects young engineers can become fully qualified professionals prof. Hrvoje Babić i prof. Branko Jeren decide to create a strong research and development group. They invite Predrag Pale to join them and found the group and execute the first project.
Basic information
- Details
- Category: About us
- Published on Wednesday, 23 May 2012 15:14
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 16657
Name: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing University of Zagreb, Department of Electronic Systems and Information Processing, Laboratory for Systems and Signals
Address: Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb
Tel: 01/ 6129 963 fax: 01/ 6129 652
Home page: www.lss.hr
Team leaders: Ph.D. Branko Jeren, Ph.D. Predrag Pale and Ivica Medved, B.S.
Foundation: 1986
Region of operation: Croatia, Germany, Austria
Employees (July, 2002.): 33