
Firewalls are network devices designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network. By inspecting all network traffic traversing firewall at different OSI layers it  is possible to control unauthorized access to network resources and apply appropriate security policy.

Firewall research and implementation is area of intensive development in LSS group. In cooperation with our students at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing we are working on new commercial firewall system with main focus on following components:

  • Traffic filtering between Virtual Local Networks (VLAN's),
  • Remote access (Virtual Priving Networks - VPN...),
  • Intrusion detection and prevention,
  • Content filtering,
  • etc...

Our main implementation techniques are based on Linux open source projects like iptables and others.

Firewall testing and benchmarking  is another area in which we offer our services. Our Security Team has developed various  methodes and procedures of firewall testing, which are mostly based on our broad experience in this area.

FaLang translation system by Faboba
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